Books which are a NEED

Shambhavi Kesarwani
3 min readJan 26, 2024

Great books are rare to find these days, (at least for me). Book-tok is now filled with Colleen Hoover readers and book reviews have becoming misleading. Here is a list of five books that I really enjoyed, and I hope you do too.

  1. Five Survive by Holly Jackson

Five survive is a thriller and YA (Young Adult) novel written by the author of “A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder”. If you want to experience a realistic thrilling experience, this is the book you should go for. Jackson has a talent for writing books in such a way, you really feel like you’re living the book. She has described the instances and emotions so deeply and beautifully. As usual, the plot-twists are A-grade! A must read for mystery or thriller loving readers out there.

2. How to Make Friends with the Dark by Kathleen Glasgow

A truly beautiful novel, portraying a young girl who made her life out of nothingness, and how she found the will to live again. A guaranteed tearjerker if read in the correct ambience and mood. The brutality of the world is accurately shown by Glasgow in the book. The book is Graphic- TW. I have never before read a book that describes and shows real life so precisely. A solid 10/10.

3. The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

A trilogy perfectly blends suspense and romance into one, and with a hard-to-choose love triangle involved, The Inheritance Games is an exciting journey in itself. When a girl who came from nothing — Avery Kylie Grambs — inherits billions of dollars which once belonged to a great philanthropist and becomes the riches teen in all of America, the world goes astray. The humor of Jameson, the comfort of Grayson; it is a tough choice. A perfect read for someone who likes light-hearted read. (I’M TEAM JAMESON)

4. Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides

If you enjoy thrillers and haven’t read this book yet, I am going to assume you are living under a rock. Again, it is a psychological thriller, and you will probably have to read it twice to understand the book to the full extent. The fact that until the very last line nothing makes sense, makes this book bewildering. The author has put a lot of knowledge and logic into writing this book, and this is evidently visible. It has to be one of the greatest modern phycological thrillers written yet.

5. All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

Written by the best-selling author of Holding Up the Universe, All the Bright Places is the most heart-warming book I’ve read. The author, Jennifer Niven, is a real-life Survivor of Suicide, which means that the way she has written the book is very realistic. It is a romantic blue and a story of how a girl who is being weighed down by the death of her sister finds someone who takes her out of the dark hole she’s been living in and teaches her how to live. It’s not really easy to cry while reading a book — compared to a movie or something visual — but this is sure to make the reader cry. It is also now a Netflix film, though I’m not sure if it meets up to the beautiful descriptions in the book.



Shambhavi Kesarwani

Class 9 explorer | Curious about the world | Eternal Happy | Avid reader