Earth is dying.

Shambhavi Kesarwani
4 min readMar 27, 2023

OUR EARTH IS DYING. Yes, our own planet is dying and what are we doing about it? Whatever we are doing is not enough.

“The jet-setting habits of Bill Gates and Paris Hilton mean that they produce an astonishing 10,000 times more carbon emissions from flying than the average person. This was the conclusion of my research mining their social media accounts (tweets, Instagram, and Facebook posts) as well as those of a number of other celebrities for clues as to where they were in the world over the course of 2017 and how they got there. As such, this estimate is conservative — they may well have taken more flights and not volunteered the information to their millions of followers.”

Author: Stefan Gössling, Professor in Service Management and Service Studies, Lund University, THE CONVERSATION

Several celebrities use private jets and contribute to amazing amounts of carbon emissions. Again, what are we doing about it? We are just encouraging them. Has anyone ever called out Talyor Swift for single-headedly managing to add enormous amounts of greenhouse gases to our planet?

Taylor Swift has topped a list of celebrities whose private jets have produced the highest amount of carbon dioxide so far this year, according to a new study.

U.K.-based sustainability marketing firm Yard shared a report on Friday (July 29), revealing that the pop superstar’s jet flew 170 times between Jan. 1 and July 19, totaling almost 16 days in the air. The aircraft’s total flight emissions were 8,293.54 tonnes of carbon, which is 1,184.8 times more than the average person’s total annual emissions, the study says.”


READ MORE — Taylor Swift’s Private Jet Has Highest CO2 Emissions Among Celebs: Study — Billboard

How do we feel about this?

In 1975, the term “global warming” was put before the public for the first time. It was a threat to the future, so people decided to ignore it. In 2010, scientists found out that the average temperature of planet Earth had risen about 1°F in the last decade. This is when things got serious. Awareness was brought on about global warming and climate change. 2016 was later declared the hottest year on record by NASA. 2020 was the next year to tie up with 2016. Around the same time, Greta Thunberg, now 20 years, a Swedish environmental activist rose to stand up for the environment. She imposed several challenges on global leaders and adapted several methods herself to reduce her carbon footprint. This brought awareness to the public as she used the media to reach the youth.

What is the world doing currently to keep climate change at bay?

According to the World Economic Forum, global plastic waste generation has increased drastically over the years.

A graph showing waste generation.

Many countries, however, have imposed various regulations at the national level worldwide.

According to the sources,

“India’s Prime Minister pledged to eliminate all single-use plastic in the country by 2022, with an immediate ban in urban Delhi.

The plan announced by Narendra Modi is by far the most ambitious of any nation to date, due to the sheer size of the Indian population and the fact that the country is the fastest growing economy in the world.

Many other European countries have introduced a levy on plastic bags, while China, Kenya and Morocco have implemented a ban on thin plastic bags.

The report states that government levies and bans — when properly planned and enforced — have been among the most effective strategies to limit the overuse of disposable plastic products.”

So yes, countries are working towards it, but will it be enough? That’s up to us, the inhabitants of Earth, to decide. If we work together and work hard, we might be able to drop the levels of pollution and revive our planet.

Did you know, 16% percent of this world consists of a population of children 14 years or below? The world is young. Change is possible.

With the introduction of new ideas like the “LGBTQIA+” community or the new limits of AI (artificial intelligence), this world has a lot to accept. Oh, and of course, progress is impossible without change.

If the youth accept these new ideas, and these new perspectives, the world has a long way to go. Change lies in our minds.



Shambhavi Kesarwani

Class 9 explorer | Curious about the world | Eternal Happy | Avid reader