Importance of Education

Shambhavi Kesarwani
1 min readJun 7, 2020

When we all grow up, we have to choose what to do as our job. To do any job, we need to study and study very hard from a young age. If we do so, one day we will be a successful leader. Everyone wants to become something from a very young age like a pilot, or wants to go in the army of the country or some want to become a doctor or an astronaut. We need to study different subjects for each of them. To become an astronaut, we need to study bachelor’s degree in engineering, biological science, physical science, computer science or mathematics.

We can change the world by studying in many ways. We should also read books as it is one of the ways of gaining knowledge. By studying, we can know what had, is and will arise in this world. So, education is definitely in a person’s life. Only if you believe and work hard you can achieve anything.

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Shambhavi Kesarwani

Class 9 explorer | Curious about the world | Eternal Happy | Avid reader