The Guest List by Lucy Foley (book review)

Shambhavi Kesarwani
2 min readDec 1, 2022

Incredible. That is the only word I have for this book.

The Guest List, by Lucy Foley, is one of the first thrillers I have read, and I was just amazed by the plot of the book. Foley has plotted this book to keep the readers on edge till the last chapter. The book is full of surprises and thrills, and convolutes one’s judgment till the very end.

The plot is about a wedding on an island to which many guests with dark secrets from the past were invited. The groom and the bride are the centres of attention at all times but on the wedding evening… There is a murder.

Who committed it? Who died? Was it planned??

It all remains a mystery right until the last chapter.

I loved how the dialogues were used so ironically. My favorite dialogue was probably the last sentence of the book- “I am only sorry I didn’t get the chance to plunge the knife in myself” which was posed by Hannah, who was the plus-one but yet, played an important role in the book.

I held my breath nearly throughout the book. The plot twists are very well planned, and this book is overall very engaging. I recommend this book for all ages above 13.



Shambhavi Kesarwani

Class 9 explorer | Curious about the world | Eternal Happy | Avid reader