What is Journaling?

Shambhavi Kesarwani
2 min readDec 11, 2022


Oh! What a tiring and stressful day. What do I do to take it all off my mind? Yes, what about journaling!!

Journaling can be defined as an activity wherein you take account of all your actions, emotions, and feelings throughout the day and then help analyse them.

I started journaling recently too. Now in my view, there are several types of journaling. Two main ones are- Monthly journaling and Daily journaling.

Every month, you write about the highlights, your favourite song of the month, or perhaps something new you tried. This is known as monthly journaling. Just imagine how cool it would be to read your journal after several years and dive into those old memories!

Now, some people prefer filling their journals every day. This is effective if you want to analyse your mood, actions, and thoughts throughout the day. It helps differentiate negative thoughts from positive ones and determine what type of person you are.

Daily journaling can actually work as a personal therapist! Just writing carefreely in your diary and expressing your thoughts and emotions through words that no one else is likely to read, can help you relieve all the bottled-up thoughts.

Which type of journaling do you think you’d prefer?

As a beginner, I started with monthly journaling. Near the end of every month, I remember all the moments which I enjoyed. I write down my favourite song of the month and jot down something new I tried, like a new culinary experience.

I also write down what I achieved this month, or something I am proud of saying I have accomplished. This helps me track my goals and aim higher, knowing that I am capable of something.

To conclude, I can say that journaling is a very helpful activity that can ensure a better state of a healthy and stable mind.



Shambhavi Kesarwani

Class 9 explorer | Curious about the world | Eternal Happy | Avid reader